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Your library card gives you access to a wealth of information, both in the library and online! Check out the databases below for assistance with job applications, research, homework, test prep, and reliable fact finding!

Accessibility Features in Libby

libby accessibility features

Adjusting accessibility features



In Libby, you can turn on several accessibility features to meet your needs:

  • Reduce Color Variation: When enabled, neutral colors with good contrast are used for book jackets and library branding in the app.
  • Reduce Text Variation: When enabled, text is simplified throughout the app, with fewer formatting changes like bold and italics.
  • Reduce Motion: When enabled, animations used in transitions will be reduced throughout the app. (You can also set this preference at the device level, and Libby will use it automatically.)
  • Reduce Vibrations: When enabled, haptics (or vibrations) are turned off in the app. (You can also set this preference at the device level, and Libby will use it automatically.)

To turn on these features, go to Menu Libby menu, in the navigation footer, then scroll down to "Settings" and select "Accessibility"

Turning on Dyslexic Font

Turning on dyslexic font in a book

In a book, tap the center of the screen, then reading settings icon. From there, tap OpenDyslexic under "Book Design."

Using the Zoom Feature on Books and Magazines

Zooming in books and magazines

You can zoom into pictures, maps, and other images in books and magazines.

OpenIn a magazine, read-along, picture book, or graphic novel

  • On a touch device, pinch in or out to change the zoom levels. 
  • On a non-touch device, select the Zoom button in the top bar, then use zoom in button and zoom out button to change the zoom levels. Press Esc to exit zoom mode.

OpenIn a regular book

  • On a touch device, tap and hold an image, then pinch in or out to change the zoom levels.
  • On a non-touch device, click and hold an image, then use the mouse wheel to change the zoom levels.

Using a Screen Reader with Libby

Reading a book using a screen reader

After opening a book in Libby, you can use "Read From Here" mode to read books and magazines with your screen reader. 

Note: For sighted users, we recommend listening to audiobooks instead.

Reading modes in Libby

The Libby reader will always be in one of three modes: "Navigation" mode, "Page" mode, or "Read From Here" mode:

  • "Navigation" mode: is the mode the Libby reader will start in. In "Navigation" mode you can navigate to different parts of the book.
  • "Page" mode: allows you to move through pages sequentially. You'll be in this mode after dismissing navigation.
  • "Read From Here" mode: allows you to read using your screen reader. You'll find the option to use "Read From Here" mode when the book is in "Page" mode.
Opening "Read From Here" mode

Note: If you're using an iOS device, you'll need to use VoiceOver, not Spoken Content, to read books in Libby.

To use "Read From Here" mode:

  1. Open a book in Libby. If asked where you'd like to read the book, select Libby.
  2. The book will open in "Navigation" mode. Swipe or arrow until you hear "dismiss navigation button," then select the button to enter "Page" mode.
  3. Swipe left until you hear "Read From Here button," then select it to enter "Read from Here" mode.

    Note: While using VoiceOver on iOS, you can use the two-finger double-tap gesture (or the Magic Tap gesture) anywhere in the reader to enter or exit "Read From Here" mode.

  4. While in "Read From Here" mode, swipe or use the arrow keys to read each section (header, paragraph, etc.) individually. Or, activate your screen reader's "read all" or "read continuously" command.

    Note: When you open a book for the first time, it will open to the cover page. If you don't hear anything at first, select the Menu button then select the Contents button and go to the first chapter.

Navigation options in "Read From Here" mode

To navigate in "Read From Here" mode:

  • Select the Previous Part button (after "Exit") or the Next partbutton (at the end of a section of text) to move between sections or chapters.
  • Select the Menu button in the top-left corner to find and use Libby's keyboard shortcuts. From here, you can browse the table of contents, add a bookmark, close the book, and more.
  • To close a book, select the Menu button, then select the Close Book button.

Read on Your Preferred Device

Read on Your Preferred Device

Download the Libby app from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon App Store, OR read Libby titles in a web browser by visiting: