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STARQuest Library Tour: FAQ's

Guide for Participants

Common Questions

If your question is not addressed in this FAQ's below, please contact your local public library.

Q: When does the STLS STARQuest tour take place?
A:  While you can visit our libraries year round, the STLS STARQuest tour takes place July 1st through September 30th, 2024. 

Q: When do I receive my first prize?
A: Your first prize will be awarded at your 5th library visit.

Q: How many prizes can I earn?
A: One per person please, but there are a total of four prizes that could be earned throughout the tour! Prizes are earned at milestone stops for 5, 10, 24, and 48 library visits.
 Please note: Prizes for your 24th and 48th library visits will be ordered and available for pickup at your preferred STLS member library location in late October/November. Prizes cannot be mailed to a participant; they must be picked up at an STLS library location. Please alert library staff when you reach 24 and 48 libraries, and they will request the prize on your behalf.

Q: What if I lose my map?
A: You can request a new map at any library - library staff will even help you mark off all the libraries you have already visited.

Q: Can I use my library card at other STLS libraries?
A: Yes! If you have a library card from an STLS member library, you can use that library card at any library on the STARQuest tour! Bonus: If you borrow a book from one library, you can return it at another library.

Q: I don't have a library card. Where can I get one?
A: You can sign up for a library card at your local public library. If you are unsure of your home library, staff at any STLS member library can help determine where to go. After figuring out your home library, it is recommended that you call the library to learn what types of documents you may need to sign up for a library card.