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Digital Resources

Your library card gives you access to a wealth of information, both in the library and online! Check out the databases below for assistance with job applications, research, homework, test prep, and reliable fact finding!

Digital Resources

Digital Resources Available from Southern Tier Library System

Southern Tier Library System libraries have access to a variety of digital resources. Use the tabs at the left to navigate between the available digital resources. Information on how to access each resource is included within the tabs.

  • Check out the NOVELny tab to find resources like legal forms, full-text-searchable access to the New York Times, homework help for all ages, and more!
  • The JobNow tab includes tools like resume templates, live job coaching, interview preparation help, college scholarship search, and other career prep resources!
  • Visit the MedlinePlus tab for assistance with researching medical questions
  • Use the Virtual Reference Desk tab to email a librarian with your question and receive a response within 24 hours!

If you need assistance accessing any of these digital resources, please contact your local library.